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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0243

描       述:Not many people can stop themselves from bragging about the good deeds that they have performed, and very few talented people can stop themselves from becoming egotistical. A boastful person will neglect the strengths of others, and an egotistical person will certainly dominate others. However, he who neglects others will also be neglected by others, and he who dominates others will also be dominated by others. Scroll 26: Wei Zhi, Vol.2(譯:夫有善鮮不自伐,有能者寡不自矜。伐則掩人,矜則陵人。掩人者人亦掩之,陵人者人亦陵之。(卷二十六 魏志下))





