您當前位置:數位法寶 > 圖片 > 相片 > Qunshu Zhiyao 360

法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:DE-0093

描       述:It is easy for a person born to a privileged family to acquire an air of arrogance, and a person born to a rich family to acquire a taste for extravagance. If the privileged and the rich do not follow the right way to guard against arrogance and wastefulness, seldom will they not commit wrongdoings. Scroll 35: Wen Zi(譯:生而貴者驕,生而富者奢。故富貴不以明道自鑒,而能無為非者寡矣。(卷三十五 文字))





