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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:DE-0099

描       述:Thus, the conduct of a superior person bears four features: He follows through his plans and never forgets to be kind. He deploys his expertise and never forgets to be righteous. He works hard and never forgets to be faithful. When he speaks he never forgets to be truthful. If he can keep these features all his life, honor will follow him like a shadow to his form and an echo to his callings. Scroll 36: Shi Zi(譯:行有四儀:一曰,志勤不忘仁,二曰,智用不忘義,三曰,力事不忘忠,四曰,口言不忘信。慎守四儀,以終其身,名功之從之也,猶形之有影,聲之有響也。(卷三十六 尸子))





