法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360
編 號:QZDE-0303
描 述:To increase wealth for the people, first and foremost base the economy on farming and textile production above miscellaneous economic activities. To utilize the skills of craftsmen properly, place the priority on practical projects above decorative works. In business transactions, place proper distribution of goods to the populace above selling exotic items. People will become wealthier if these three principles are followed. But if the least important became the most important, people will become poorer, and when they become poorer they will forsake proper behavior as opposed to what they would do if they were richer. Likewise, in the field of education, imparting lessons that enable people to become moral individuals is more important than training people to become artful debaters. In the use of language, being truthful and sensible is more important than the ability to use flowery and cunning descriptions. For a learned individual, being filial and respectful toward his parents and elders is more important than entertaining his friends. In the practice of filial piety, what is important is to perform one's duties with utmost reverence rather than lavishly displaying pomp and ceremony. For a subordinate, being loyal to his superior is more important than being a flatterer. If these five principles are followed, the practice of benevolence and righteousness will flourish. Abandoning what is important and pursuing what is less important will lead to the decline of morality in society. Scroll 44: Qian Fu Lun(譯:夫富民者,以農桑為本,以游業為末;百工者,以致用為本,以巧飾為末;商賈者,以通貨為本,以鬻奇為末。三者守本離末,則民富;離本守末,則民貧;貧則阨而忘善,富則樂而可教。教訓者,以道義為本,以巧辨為末;辭語者,以信順為本,以詭麗為末;列士者,以孝悌為本,以交游為末;孝悌以致養為本,以華觀為末;人臣者,以忠正為本,以媚愛為末。五者守本離末,則仁義興;離本守末,則道德崩。(卷四十四 潛夫論))