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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0333

描       述:From the following five observations we can determine whether a person is the right candidate for the post of prime minister. 1. Observe whom he likes to be with when he is not in office. 2. Observe whom he befriends, or the whom he grants offerings, when he is rich. 3. Observe whom he nominates when he is prominent. 4. Observe the things that he refuses to do when he is destitute. 5. Observe the things that he refuses to accept when he is poor. Scroll 11: Shi Ji, Vol.1(譯:居視其所親,富視其所與,達視其所舉,窮視其所不為,貧視其所不取,五者足以定之矣。(卷十一 史記上))





