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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0361

描       述:When the perfect order prevails, the world is like a home shared by all. Virtuous and able men are elected to serve the public. All men love and respect their own parents and children, as well as the parents and children of others. There is caring for the old, nourishment and education for the children, and means of support for widows and widowers, orphans, lonely people, as well as for the disabled and sick. Intrigues and conniving for ill gain are unknown, and villains such as thieves and robbers do not exist. These are the characteristics of an ideal world, the commonwealth state. Scroll 7: Li Ji(譯:大道之行也,天下為公。選賢與能。故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子,使老有所終,幼有所長,鰥寡孤獨廢疾者,皆有所養。是故謀閉而不興,盜竊亂賊而不作。是謂大同。(卷七 禮記))





