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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0367

描       述:A leader who loves his people will be able to make them feel safe and at peace. If he enjoys learning from the sages, he will be able to bring prosperity to the country. Without these, his own safety as well as that of the country will be placed in peril. When a ruler clearly understands the responsibilities of his job and is able to distinguish the relative degrees of urgency in each of his tasks, and chooses virtuous and able people will cease. Subsequently, virtuous and able people will be given important posts while flatterers will be restrained. Those who seek personal benefits will be dismissed, and those who are incorruptible will be entrusted with greater responsibilities. Scroll 38: Sun Qing Zi(譯:故君人者,愛民而安,好士而榮,兩者無一焉而亡也。明分職,序事業,拔材官能,莫不治理,則公道達而私門塞矣,公義明而私事息矣。如是,則德厚者進,而佞悅者止;貪利者退,而廉節者起。(卷三十八 孫卿子))





