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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0377

描       述:Ancient rulers know that although people prefer decency and honor virtue, people are equally prone to greediness and profiteering. Therefore, they drew up policies that not only encouraged people to uphold virtues, but also discouraged them from acting out of greed. When virtue is honored, propriety and courtesy will flourish. When greediness is discouraged, integrity will be preserved. Scroll 49: Fu Zi(譯:先王知人有好善尚德之性,而又貪榮而重利,故貴其所尚,而抑其所貪。貴其所尚,故禮讓興;抑其所貪,故廉恥存。(卷四十九 傅子))





