法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360
編 號:QZDE-0387
描 述:The ancient sage-kings on seeing how education could transform the people, would lead by example to implement universal love. When a king's conduct made an impact on the public, no one would abandon their relatives. Furthermore, the kings promoted benevolent, righteous and moral values. When the people were inspired by these principles, they began carrying them out and turning them into common practice. When the kings led the way in showing respect and courtesy, the public would learn not to fight with one another. When propriety and music were designed to guide and educate the lay people, people would learn to live together harmoniously. These kings made it known to the public what they revered and detested, and so the masses would not defy their prohibitions. Scroll 9: Xiao Jing(譯:先王見教之可以化民也,是故先之以博愛,而民莫遺其親;陳之以德義,而民興行;先之以敬讓,而民不爭;道之以禮樂,而民和睦;示之以好惡,而民知禁。(卷九 孝經))