法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360
編 號:QZDE-0395
描 述:If people do not understand propriety and righteousness, the law will not be effective. For the law can sentence an unfilial son to death but it cannot make people behave like Confucius or Zengzi (the exemplar filial son). The law can also sentence thieves and robbers to prison but it cannot make people behave honestly like boyi. Confucius had 3,000 disciples who could fulfill filial duties at home, and respect elders and seniors when away from home. Their words became guidelines for people to follow, and their deeds were sufficient to make them into role models. All these are due to transformation through educatiion. Scroll 41: Huai Nan Zi(譯:不知禮義,不可以行法。法能殺不孝,而不能使人為聖墨(墨作曾)之行;法能刑竊盜者,而不能使人為伯夷之廉。孔子養徒三千人,皆入孝出悌,言為文章,行為儀表,教之所咸也。(卷四十一 淮南子))