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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0405

描       述:The Confucian school of thought most probably originated from Si Tu, the government minister in charge of education. Their career goals are to assist the sovereign, follow the law of Yin and Yang, and promote the idea of transformation through education. They are dedicated students of the Six Classics focused on practicing benevolence and righteousness. They trace and reiterate the governing principles of Emperor Yao and Emperor Shun, adopt and explain the decrees and regulations issued by King Wen and King Wu, and regard Confucius as their master teacher. They venerate wisdom passed down from ancient sage-kings and consider Dao (laws of nature) as the highest form of knowledge. Scroll 14: Han Shu, Vol.2(譯:儒家者流,蓋出於司徒之官,助人君、順陰陽、明教化者也。游文於六經之中,留意於仁義之際。祖述堯舜,憲章文武,宗師仲尼,以重其言,於道最為高。(卷十四 漢書二))





