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法寶名稱:Qunshu Zhiyao 360

編       號:QZDE-0411

描       述:The influence of propriety works very subtly. It prevents immoral conducts from developing and enables people to automatically stay away from malic and move toward virtuousness day by day without being aware of it. Hence, the kings from ancient times venerated the transforming influence that propriety can bring. The book of Yi Jing said: "A superior person always pays attention to the beginning of any development. If there is a slight deviation or error in the beginning, the end result will differ greatly." Such is the implication of the influence of propriety. Scroll 7: Li Ji(譯:故禮之教化也微,其正(正作止)邪於未形,使人日徒善遠罪而不自知也,是以先王隆之也。《易》曰:「君子慎始。差若毫釐,謬以千里。」此之謂也。(卷七 禮記))





