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Words of Wisdom delivered at The Temple Of Ultimate Bliss of Tainan Taiwan—To Save Chinese Traditional Culture is to Save Humanity  (Episode 2)  2018/1/1  No:32-258-0002_en

  It is important to incorporate religion, in an educational framework.

  The British are doing this now.

  The Prince of Wales is directing every religion to an educational framework.

  This is perfectly correct.

  People take religion to be superstition.

  The fact is: religion itself is education.

  What kind of education?

  The education of love.

  " God loves humanity ",hence, the education of love.

  This is great!

  He's rather active in this, he's dedicated to training teachers.

  Nowadays teachers are generally in very short supply, it’s the same both in the East and the West.

  To set up schools is no problem but where do you find the teachers?

  There're no teachers, So, to train teachers must be the priority.

  To start a " PhD in Harmony " programme in the University, it'll take 3 years to complete a doctorate programme.

  In practice these Doctors of Philosophy in Harmony will be the Religion Instructors of their own faith.

  They must explain the religion texts clearly and accurately.

  Then relying on God's teachings, they should find God's love and store it in their own heart.

  Everyone will then learn to put God's love into practice by loving each other.

  God's love is unbiased.

  It doesn't involve choice or preference.

  It's love that is fair, genuine and unconditional.

  This is a great idea!

  So the main purpose of setting up this 3-year Ph.D. programme is to train religious officials recommended by every religion.

  We reckon there will be at least 30 holders of a doctorate in Harmony in 3 years' time.

  That means there will be 30 Religion Instructors.

  So regardless of their individual faith, they will all pass on the message of universal love.

  After successfully training 30 teachers in 3 years' time, we can upgrade the School and proceed to set up the College of Religion Education.

  We'll have by then 30 teachers.

  That'll do.

  The College of Religion Education is actually the University of Religion.

  It's called a College and not a University because there aren't that many teachers.

  It'll take 7 years to graduate.

  We reckon that in 7 years' time we can successfully train 100 to 150 Religion Instructors who will have obtained their doctorate and will be able to lecture on their respective religious texts.

  With as many as 100 to 150 teachers, we can then formally establish a University of Religion

  to help the Religion Instructors of every faith in the world to obtain their doctorate and be qualified as professors.

  And so the first University will be set up.

  That's a good thing.

  The British take a pragmatic approach, starting with teacher-training.

  In 10 years' time there will be sufficient teaching staff and the University of Religion will then materialize.

  To save Chinese traditional culture is to save humanity.

  It is logical and admirable for Chinese to learn Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as these are their heritage.

  This is about saving the world, the sacred mission.

  It is no trivial matter.

  For ourselves, it would suffice so long we have enough food to eat and enough clothing to keep warm.

  What bliss!

  To save the culture, to save humanity!


